Ninety-year old Belgian wine distributor in Dutch hands

The Belgian distributor of wines and spirits A & F Mampaey Wines & Sprits, founded in 1920, was bought by the Dutch Distillery Dirkzwager. Mampaey is one of the Belgian market leaders and Royal Warrant Holder. Dirkzwager also bought the Belgian distribution activities for wines and spirits from brewer Anheuser-Bush InBev, which wants to focus more on its core activities. Both distribution activities will be conducted in Belgium under the name Mampaey Wines & Spirits. Mampaey is mainly specialized in wines from Bordeaux. The company owns its own central for purchasing, Arthur Michel (Libourne). Mampaey also has its own champagne house, Infini. Furthermore, in Belgium it distributes the wines of Castello Banfi (Italy), Caro Dorum, Vina Vilano, Vina Extremena, Humbert & Williams Dry Sack (Spain), De Martino (Chile), Wither Hill (New Zealand), Graham’s (Portugal), Burg Hope (South Africa), Catena Zapata (Argentina ) and Kendall-Jackson (California). Dirkzwager is known for its Floryn jenever.

1 Comment

  1. Buonasera

    Sono Paolo Benassi produttore in Friuli in provincia di Gorizia !! So che riceverete milioni di email come la mia……
    Vi disturbo per sapere se possibile fissare un incontro per assaggiare insieme i nostri vini e magari parlare poi di una possibile collaborazione futura.
    Se interessati potete dare uno sguardo ai nostri prodotti sul sito

    Paolo Benassi

    Good evening

    I’m Paolo Benassi producer in the province of Gorizia in Friuli! I know you get millions of emails like mine … …
    There disorder to see if you can arrange a meeting together to taste our wines and perhaps mention of a possible future collaboration.
    If interested, please take a look at our products on the site

    Paolo Benassi

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