The jury of the ‘Nationale Wijnkeuring’ (National Wine Test) of the Dutch Wijngaardeniersgilde and the Wijninstituut Nederland awarded 38 medals to Dutch wines this year. That is almost more than double compared to last year, when 17 medals were awarded. Wijnhoeve de Houterd from Schijndel (Noord-Brabant) made the best red wine. The Betuws Wijndomein from Erichem made the best white wine. The Reestlandhoeve from Balkbrug won with its rosé. Fortythree vineyards participated in the contest. They put 118 wines in competition. The National Wine Test was first held in 2004, when 37 vineyards and 61 wines participated. According to the Dutch Productschap Wijn the Netherlands now boasts about 137 vineyards (from 1000 square meters), with 64 vineyards of one hectare or larger. The Netherlands now has 175 hectare of vineyards in total.