Growing success for the wines of AOC Cahors

AOC CahorsThe AOC Cahors is celebrating its fortieth anniversary. After a long period of declining sales figures, the succes of the “black wines” of Cahors is growing again. The combination of increased sales efforts, leaving fallow 568 acres of vineyards and less abundant crops resulted in higher export figures in 2010. In 2000, Cahors exported only six percent of its harvest. In 2010 export figures rose to 15%. The stocks of older vintages is slinking. In 2012, there is even a predicted shortage of Cahors wine. Prices for bulk wines from Cahors remain down. In the peak year 2002 a hectolitre Cahors cost 130 euros. This fell to 70 euros per hectolitre in 2005/2007. In 2010 prices rose again to 90 euros per hectolitre. Eighty percent of the AOC is planted with Malbec. That this difficult grape can produce tasty, early drinking wines is proved by the Argentines. The area of Malbec in Argentina is much larger than that in Cahors: 27,000 ha against 3700 ha.


  1. Iedereen die dit met eigen ogen en mond wil komen beproeven, nodig ik van harte uit om u eens rond te laten leiden door deze prachtige en boeiende wijnstreek. Ben hier zelf al 12 jaar aan het ontdekken en laat u graag delen in de schatkamer aan smaken. Als vinologe met speciaal aandachtsgebied Cahors, verzorg ik meerdaagse wijnreizen, maar ook dagarrangementen en workshops. Kijk maar eens op A bientôt!

  2. Sad, just finished my last bottle of Chateau Ponzac 2008! Will have to go back soon to buy more. That’ll be good for their export, I guess.
    Also, for the non believers, some French Malbecs are tasty, fruity and can be drunk when young. In particular those with up to 30% Merlot. Try them out!

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